For those of you who live in New Zealand and are worrying about Ebola.
If someone gets diagnosed with Ebola they get quarantined straight away, isolated from everyone. Ebola is spread by bodily fluids, so for instance if some one with Ebola sneezed on you, you would catch the disease. But lets be logical, if an Ebola patient is isolated from everything and everyone apart from the doctors and nurses they can't sneeze on you. Meaning you CAN'T catch the disease.
So how did it spread so much In Africa? They wouldn't have known what Ebola was when it first started, as the first symptoms just seems like the flu. Once one person had it it spread to another person, and the first person died, following the second till it lead up to a craze where they figured it was no normal disease and in fact it was Ebola.
Don't think for one second though, that we should close of the boarders of West Africa from the rest of the world.
Yes, Ebola is scary; we would never want the disease, nor our family members to get the disease, nor our children. But in reality we would never want anyone to get the disease and closing of the borders of West Africa would imply that we don't care, its like putting flowers away in a dark box because they are dying yet ought we need to do is feed them water everyday and keep them in the sunlight.
Yes people are dying from Ebola, People die everyday. But we won't just close them off from the rest of the world because they are apart of it.
What could you do? I guess you could pray.
You're probably thinking that that would be a waste of time, or that God can find you a parking lot but he probably can't cure Ebola because they haven't found a cure yet. But you have to have faith like snow, because Jesus cured the blind and the week and the crippled. Why won't he just cure Ebola then? Because those people had faith! In the bible they had herd about this guy called Jesus who made someone see and they pleaded for him to take mercy on them, they pleaded for healing and they received it.
It still happens today you know? People will imply that its a rumor or that Christians are brain washed, but unless you seek God you will find him when you seek him with all your heart.
So are you going to have faith in God? Because he has faith in you.
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